What to expect from your massage during Covid 19
Booking Process
After you make initial contact to book a massage, you will be asked to complete an online health questionnaire, including questions regarding Covid 19. This form needs to be completed before the day of your massage so the information can be reviewed before we meet face-to-face.
I will ask you at the start of each subsequent appointment, whether your have any of the symptoms before we commence treatment and will confirm that I am also symptom free.
Covid 19 Symptoms
If you or a member of your household develop Covid 19 symptoms or test positive at any point between booking and turning up for your massage, please inform me at your earliest convenience so we can reschedule your booking after the required period of isolation has been completed and you are symptom free.
Similarly, if I or a member of my household develop Covid 19 symptoms, I am required to inform NHS Test and Trace and make contact with anyone they advise, once an assessment has been completed. I will also reach out to anyone with a booked appointment within a two week period to move the appointment to a later date when I am symptom free.
On the day of your Appointment
I will be wearing a face covering throughout the appointment. You will be required to wear a face covering, unless you are exempt, please let me know in this instance so we can adjust the treatment accordingly.
Before we enter the building, we need to both confirm we are Covid 19 symptom free.
I look forward to welcoming you to my clinic.