Massage Services in Basingstoke, Alresford, Marlow
I am passionate about helping people out of pain and building an alliance that will support you through life's ups and downs. I will be here to offer my experience and skillset to support you and my end goal is for you to be armed with the knowledge and understanding of how to manage your aches and pain, whilst providing effective massages.
My tailored treatment programmes combine massage and active muscle techniques, along with movement rehab that promotes longer-term recovery.
Common reasons that clients book:
Aches and pain in the neck, shoulder, back, hip
Post-op movement rehabilitation
Overuse injuries e.g. RSI, plantar fasciitis
Headaches and migraine
Optimising movement for lifestyle

Find out more about my services.
Listen to my 3 Key Messages that all clients should hear, in order to maximise the effects of massage treatment.
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Clinic Locations
Fridays 8am - 3pm
Wednesdays 3pm - 9pm
Saturdays 8.30am - 12.30pm
2.30pm - 7.30pm
Mondays 5pm - 9pm